Wednesday, December 31, 2008

winter with a summer breeze - TepT's rhapsody part 3



TepT: happy-er

just be happy of whatever,
then u'll b happy and happier,
be a Dr to make people healthy
while getting yourself wealthy
then u'll realize that u didnt suffer
as happy as how tept wud be,
thats when u'll fell d summer breeze
then anwar azhari is also me.

Anwar: Intelligence

anwar is always studying
not to forget to get his lips smiling
just be a person who is learning
to be a person of something
thats his way to be well-being
as tept and azhari always are living..

Azhari: Romance

azhari are to be loved
as high as the flying of d doves
though his heart always felt sore
just to think of it more and more
how to get our mind free?
if azhari keep being me?
then 1-1= 1+1
cuz in time i wud won
in d fight of black cats
by just meowing with voice everlast
and anwar follows as TepT


*my current wallpaper- click for larger image and to download* =)

Monday, December 29, 2008

dimulakan dengan bismillah..

Assalamualaikum wbt.

hari ini 1 muharram 1430 H.

mengingati akan peristiwa hijrah yang dilaksanakan oleh kaum muhajirin dan ansar atas perintah Allah swt,

aku kembali semula akan keadaan aku di sini.

penghijrahan aku dan rakan-rakan ke mesir untuk menuntut ilmu dan mencari erti kehidupan.


baru je semalam,

alhamdulillah, aku dpt mmberikan "lecture" yg bertajuk 'music in malaysia' kpd ratusan pelajar medic yang mengambil kursus elektif 'egyptian culture' yang terdiri drpd campuran pelajar tahun 1, 2 dan 3.

"lecture" yg sepatutnya hanya menjadi presentation selama 10-20 minit telah berlanjutan selama 1 jam lebih. (yakni bermula pd pukul 4.05-5.10 pm).

manakala lecturer egyptian culture menyambung lecturenye yg bertajuk 'arts and architecture of egypt' sehingga jam 5.53. setelah itu kami bersurai.

pada waktu malam pula ada SC kat umah naqiu kat shatbi bersama abg maro dan abg mad.

lpas abis SC, ku study sket, n then masak nasi goreng, n then tgk anime naruto sampai kol 3.30 pagi.

6 pagi, solat subuh secara berjemaah telah diadakan diikuti bacaan al-mathurat.

skang ni ak tgh lepak umah jadu.

breakfast ngan nazli n alip.

n blogging with tept and anwar.

di sini saya ingin memohon maaf atas segala silap dan salah yang telah saya lakukan terhadap anda semua, terutamanya mama ayah, kakak enny, kakak effy, abg efan, abg nan, abg zizi, abg zelan, rakan2 lama di high school, rakan2 semasa di saser, jiran2, sanak saudara, sepupu sepapat, rakan2 bloggers, rakan2 on9 n seluruh umat islam dan bukan islam amnya.

Selamat memulakan tahun baru hijrah.

Kullu 'am entu bikhoir.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

dreams are sweeter than sweet dreams

Assalamualaikum wbt..

ilya sofia and nor syuhada demand me to write a new post. so, here it goes...


A wonderful, meaningful, sweet dreams

wah.. tatkala daku baharu sahaja bangkit dari tidur yang lena, ku menyedari akan masa yang mencemburui daku. "ya Allah, aku telah sebegitu lewat dari mengerjakan solat subuh!" lantas aku bergegas keluar dari kamarku.

*tersebut suasana di luar kamar sebagaimana mewahnya rumah yang ku duduki dalam mimpiku ini. rumah tersebut dilengkapi perabot-mewah bertatahkan ukiran kayu yang disalut emas, juga terdapat almari di bahagian dinding rumah tersebut yang dipenuhi perkakas dapur yang serba mewah daripada Cina, England, Perancis, dan Itali. pada bahagian halaman ruang tamu pula diletakkan gubahan bunga yang tingginya hampir sepuluh hasta. pada bahagian siling rumah tersebut pula terdapatnya 'chandelier' kristal yang menyilau pandangan mata.*

sedang aku berjalan dengan rasa kagum akan rumah yang mewah itu, aku mengintai salah sebuah kamar yang ku lintasi dengan sekelip mata. kelihatan seorang rakanku baru sahaja mengerjakan solat subuh. kamar rakanku itu serba putih, amat bersih dan indah. aku terus bergegas ke kamar mandi untuk mengambil whudu'

hatta, aku mencari ruang yang selesa untuk mengerjakan solat subuh. aku memilih bahagian ruang tamu, bersebelahan dengan gubahan bunga yang cantik tersebut. daku membentang kain sejadah. tatkala itu, seorang wanita yang cantik menegurku dari belakang.

"anwar, dah solat?"

aku terdiam seketika, sungguh cantik wanita ini. memakai sehelai T-shirt berwarna kuning. juga kelihatan sepersalinan kain batik persis cocok dengan warna kulitnya. rambutnya mencecah paras bahu kelihatan amat manis. pada lengannya disandangkan sehelai kain putih, kain telekung.

aku menjawab, dengan rasa terkedu.

"jadi imam?"

lantas dalam hati kecilku berdesis

"mak aih, dia nak aku jadi imam dye? bentang sejadah sebelah aku macam lah aku ni dah jadi suami die. die ni bini aku aper??!!"

namun pada lidahku hanya berucapkan


hatta wanita cantik tersebut berkata

"jap ek, i blom amek whudu' lagi. jap ek..."

aku menunggu wanita cantik tersebut menyempurnakan whudu'nya. kelihatan dia berjalan menuju ke kamar mandi dari mana tempat ku mengambil whudu' tadi. hatta, sambil daku menunggu wanita cantik tersebut, ibuku muncul lantas memanggil namaku.

"Azhari, jom makan"


aku gagal menolak pelawaan ibuku. hatta aku menuju ke dapur bersama ibuku. kelihatan pada meja makan pada dapur tersebut telah duduknya ayahandaku, serta sekalian adik-beradik daku. hatta aku dipelawa untuk mengambil sarapan pagi. namun, setelah mengingati kembali akan wanita cantik tadi, lantas daku berkata.
"mama, tapi azhari belum solat subuh lagi. lagipun *wanita cantik* mintak azhari jadi imam"

mendengar jawabku, lantas mama berkata

"x pe, belum lagi, belum lagi"

huhu.. that's all the story folks. i just using the classical malay language just because i really miss it to use this particular wonderful language.

this dream is really wonderful. after i woke up from the dream, i found out that the azan had just rang. that means that this dreams is like a good dream in which the wiseman says dreams after subuh time are dreams by the play of the devil to lure u so that u wudnt be able to woke up to pray ur subuh prayer by that dawn. but this dream woke me up before subuh. its a really wonderful dream. besides, i also dreamed about my mother and all my family are with me in that dream, plus, a beautiful woman.


huhu.. i just had got this graffiti edited

Friday, December 26, 2008

nice to meet u all- part 1

Aku baru sampai ktt kot.. ni aku rasa kot.. n ni yg ak nak ingat kot.. salah silap maafkan la jgn lak kentot..

hye there..

ma name is tept sigmoid and i like it to be simple
found out that sepang is d place 2 go before egypt
the place is yet unreliabaly senget and ma head just fall
i cant believe tht theres such a college in such a place

well first of all lets meet the people in person
hey u, wats up, ma name is anwar and i come here by ma car
hey dude, ma name is nezly and i just noe i'm in KTT
i luv ma hair just as much as u luv ur scar
comin here from rawang i just gettin to know sepang
but sure i gotta let maself b comfortable here.

weyh jeDu..! cant believe tht ur here too
weyh tepet, r u gonna b in KTT too??
yeah sure dude, cant believe we got d same place
he is jadu, d guy where saser is d place of influence
got to here from muar,
he is really the man who evrybody wud just say "wah"

nama saya.. akmal
he's the one who seems most confident here
i gotta admit tht he knows what hes doin
d 1st q comin out from me is tht,
ko tido kat bilik maner?
n he is like, here, in this room "bawah ni jer"

gotta check out his roomate
d name zaihas n he is skinny yet healthy
seems cool n all when arrived at KTT
he's d 1st one whom i saw right here in this college
gettin here with his parents just like evryone do
its really hard to make new friends

i just wanna be in the same room as jadu
but there seems to be a bag on d floor
just had to ask "sapa punya?"
jadu then say "ada budak botak dari utara"
the name hasyimi and evrybody knows him
was polite n all n is quite a mysterious guy
spend a lil time with him and u will noe him

its somehow quite awkward,
who is she?!
strolling down d line to be noe tht she's taken,
shes makin a noise in d hallway n caught our attention,
thought to be a chinese but shes act just a sarawakian,
d name is hana yasmin marzuki and shes an angle with a smile so keen

Oh no..! we got a orientation week
n im here in d same group with a girl named hazirah here
i dunt think i cud guess who is her but shes quite a leader
lets just do the modelling stuff n be outta here

hey u,
i havnt hear ur voice yet
ur a very silent person
yet we gotta work together to do this modelling stuff
can i just now ur name so we cud work better.
haha. it takes me 4 times to hear her name.
ikra, awak pemalu kot orangnyer.

n here is where d crack up gets crank up
theres gonna b mc's for d orientation day
i am it cuz its like d ktt staff seems im up
cudnt c whos im partnerd with but its okay
seeing tht impression only leads to hey there
i dunt think this is goin anywhere
its great tht i c confidence and easy to work with a natural chemistry
heck that simplest way that i shud know her name before doing this thingy?
just after all is ends then i heard that pple calls her Ani
i mean its like, whats her real name anyway?
didnt get to noe till its class tyme on LH5.
and she is sweet as honey, her name is nurfarahani.

all d sudden pple wud just lookd at her
pple noe that she wasnt just actin
that to noe her name is fatin,
just said that arab is a simple thing that she had already own
cudnt resist the fact that she is from d hottest satay hometown

owh we c that KTT is a cool place tht seems great
c theres a thing where KiTT king wud b announce
say tht yadiy, ko la king kitt!!
a natural leader to be taken,
to lead us better and not to be broken.
its not something to be seen forsaken.
just see that pple wud trust him real great as a raven.


i'll pause the rythm here.
to be continued by "the life continued as we get along"
just a hold up the rap yet not to say so long
tuned in 2 d 2nd part of this crap.
where its d best part to b heard and memorised.
owh damn i really need to stop.
seems that i really had lost ma riddle from da top.
i'd been caught
ma tongue just got blobbed.

just a salam by the phrase assalamualaikum,
hope that u'll come by my blog again to fell d rhapsody's momentum.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


tepet is feeling happy and glad

anwar is satisfied and relaxed

azhari is resting but felt hungry

Thursday, December 18, 2008

tept's rhapsody- part 2


here goes the rhapsody..

the sun is shining,
so shines the moon,
here am i blogging,
i hope an idea wud come soon.

red wall made up of brick,
red hole wud make a well,
anis is currently sick,
zaihas has all become well.

girls wud play with doll,
boys wud stand by the wall,
i bought a red basketball,
pok jak has a new football.

the butterfly had flew away,
flew away to the flower pit,
today is ice cream giving day,
and iznie had already demand it.



here's a wonderful quote i got from travis,

"dont let it gas u up, its all nonsense"

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

About jannah, paradise, heaven, syurga..

from my sister,

Dr Aini Afifah binti Abdul Karim

When Mu'min will enter into Jannah, it will be announced

1. You will remain healthy forever, disease will never come. 
2. You will remain alive for ever, death will never come. 
3. You will remain in bounties which will never be finished. 

Jannat is made with Bricks of Gold and Silver. Its cement is of perfumed Musk. Its chips are pearls and Yaqoot. Its sand is Zafraan. 
There are eight doors ofJannah. 
These are eight grades of Jannat 
1. Jannatul Mava
2. Darul Maqaam 
3. Darul Salaam 
4. Darul Khuld 
5. Jannat-ul-Adan 
6. Jannat-ul-Naeem 
7. Jannat-ul-Kasif
8. Jannat-ul-Firdous 
Food of Jannah 
They will eat foods and fruits continuously up to 40 years. 
Every bowl will have a new taste. They will take eructation which will digest the food and there will be perfumed sweating for the digestion of water. There will be no urine and stool. 

There will be gardens in Jannah. Every garden will have the length of about 100 year's journey. The shadow of these gardens will be very dense. Their plants will be free of thorns. 
The size of their leaves will be equal to ears of elephants. Their fruits will be hanging in rows. 
Jannatul Mava is in the lowest, Jannat-ul-Adan is the middle & Jannat-ul- Firdous is on the highest. 

Those who love each other for the sake of Allah will get a pillar of Yaqoot, On which there will be seventy thousand (70,000) rooms. These will shine for the residents of Jannah as the sun shines for the residents of Duniya. There will be rooms in Jannah in such a way that every room will have seventy thousand (70,000) dinning sheets. On every dinning sheet 70,000 types of foods will be served. For their service 80,000 young boys will be moving around looking like beautiful scattered pearls. 
One bunch of dates will be equal to the length of 12 arms. The size of a date will be equal to the big pitcher. These will be whiter than milk, sweeter than honey and softer than butter and free Of seeds. The stem of these plants will be made up of gold and silver.

There will also be gardens of grapes. The bunches of grapes will be very big. The size of a single grape will be equal to a big pitcher. 
Someone asked, ya Rasulullah (Sallalahu Alaihi wasallam): will it be sufficient for me and my family. It was answered, it will be sufficient for you and your whole tribe. 

The Dresses of Jannah 
The dress of Jannah will be very beautiful. One will wear 70 dresses at a time. These will be very fine, delicate, weightless, having different colors. These dresses will be so fine that the body even the heart will be visible. 
And the waves of love in the hearts will also be visible. 
These dresses will never become old, never be dirty and will never tear. 

There will be four canals in every Jannah. 
1. Water 
2. Milk 
3. Honey 
4. Sharabun Tahoora. 
There will also be three fountains in Jannah: 
1. Kafoor 
2. Zanjabeel 
3. Tasneem 
Qualities of People of Jannah:
In Jannah, height of every Mo 'min, will be equal to the height of Hazrat Adam (Alaihissalaam) 60 arms (90 feet). 
Beauty will be like that of Hazrat Yousuf (Alaihissalaam) 
Age of youth will be like that of Hazrat Esa (Alaihissalaam) 30-33 years)
Sweetness of voice will be like that of Hazrat Dawud (Alaihissalaam)
Tolerance will be like that of Hazrat Yaqoob (Alaihissalaam) 
Patience will be like that of Hazrat Ayyub (Alaihissalaam) 
Habits will be like that of Sayyaduna Muhammad (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam) 

NOTE: If a person makes Du'a for Jannah three times, Jannah requests to Allah that ‘O, Allah; make his entry into Jannah’. 

And if a person makes Du'a for safety from Jahannum three times, The Jahannnum requests to Allah that, ‘O, Allah; save him from Jahannum’. 

 Do feel free to link this post or copy and paste this post and spread  this wonderful message towards all our brothers and sisters.

Plz remember me in your duahs. 



Saturday, December 13, 2008

anwar & tept said: "weyh azhari..!! udah2 la tuh!!"


the post here wud not b understand by most pple. even ma best fwen wont understand i think.

but if u r really empathy, caring and love me much, maybe u wud had a thot bout this.

tept: weyh azhari, ko x yah la nk wat prob kat cni.
azhari: amendanye ak wat prob lak?
anwar: ak pn nmpak skali r, ko nih ganggu kite pnyer performance la azhari.
azhari: aiseyh.. ape ak nk wat? bkan slalu pn jd camnih.
tept: weyh, pe kate ak wat graffiti ttg mnda yg mgaco ko tuh? express feeling sket. let it out dude.
anwar: hurrmm.. ak stuju.. camne azhari? ko stuju x?
azhari: hmm.. ak kene tabah la skang nih. baiklah tept, ko lakukan yg terbaik.
tept: ***melukis graffiti***
anwar: wah.. gempak gak. stylo2..
azhari: perghh.. ko mmg stylo r tept!! tahniah.! n thanx much..
anwar: hey dude, i cant see how this graffiti can solve our prob here.
tept: hahaha.. didnt u get it? its called the art of tept. once we look at this graffiti many2 times, we tend to get bored by it ryte? n thus,
we wud b bored of d thing that complicate us even more.

azhari: i c.. but r u sure that this wud work?
tept: trust me.. we had done this many times before. im sure it wud work as well as before.
anwar: well azhari, its all up to you. get this stuff to her. n get her outta our mind. we really need to focus on our priority.
azhari: i'll do ma best guys.

for a quite some time, it seems tht it all r goin fine. but for some reason, the art even kills us.
tept say that this is the greatest strength of us, and yet our greatest weakness.
but anwar seems it in d other way round. suppose that this wud only strengthents us, n shud not weakend us.
however, with peer pressure and weak cooperation from the strength, it had become weakness.
azhari felt that the greatest strength is now diminished. in which it all had make no sense for the things that we had done before.

sometimes it feels so problematic. suppose it to be a good thing to be happend, but it had been a bad thing.
azhari cant see the light from his strength. all is left is the spirit of tept and the confidence of anwar.

but the real feeling of tept, anwar and azhari cud actually b representd by this picture down here.

dsign by tept sigmoid for us!!

the person that stabs us wud probly be our problem, which used to be our greatest strength.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

tept dh sihat dh skang nih..


selame nih ak sakit..

2 minggu lpas, ak demam + batuk + selsema

n minggu lpas,

ak ad shoulder joint inflamation..

(perghh.. mmg perit habis)

n now,

antibody ak dah update..


cuz ak pnyer shlder joint inflamatin dah sihat,

ak berjaya melapah 2 ekor unta, 1 ekor lembu, n 1 ekor kambing sempena hari raya korban ini..

selesai.. licin abis kaki unta nih..


ak mmg gembira abis la ngan raya thn nih..

puas ati ak lapah daging..

n ada sket je la jari ak luka..


tp x per..

ak still hepi

The TepT SigmoiD Appreciation Award

Assalamualaikum wbt..

pada hari ini,

akan ku persembahkan THE TEPT SIGMOID APPRECIATION AWARD buat bloggers yg mensyukuri akan kehidupan yang indah ini.

Award ini dipersembahkn dalam pelbagai kategori..


"I am clean" Award

i would like to represent this award to Anas kamarudin for his blog and his awareness and appreciation towards hygiene.

"I love my dad" Award

i would like to represent this award to Mirrah Atika for her post that fully show her love towards her dad.

"I love my mom" Award
this award goes to a guy who really love his mom, Muhammad Yadi Abdullah

"I am a teenager" Award

this award would be represent to a gurl whom i can see that she loves being a teenager. Izzaty

"I really love my college" Award

this award goes to Hamizi Habri because he always wrote smthing about his colledge.

"I've done ur TagGed" Award

this award goes to Amalina Abdul Rashid for noticing me that she had done ma tagGed.

"I got a lot to tell ya" Award

this award goes to nanie for her blog which has so many things to be read

"I love him" Award

this award goes to Fateen Atiqah for her blog which always tells the reader that she really do love her boyfriend.

Best Female Blogger Award

goes to the best female blogger with much intresting and unique way of posting.
and this award is for Ainul Mardhiah.

Best Male Blogger Award

this goes to the best male blogger who really have his way of blogging.
and this award goes to Shahir Ghazali.


thats all folks..
have this award on ur blog.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

u didnt, He did

assalamualaikum wbt..

just when u think that ur life is made up by your own decision and judgement,

we tend to think that we had already make the best of our life..

but just take a litle while of our time to think back..

that god had already set us to how we are yesterday, today and tomorrow.

believe in al-qada' and al-qadar..

its simple 2 look at the sigmoid curve..

that is all our life cud be.

soon it will end.

the sigmoid curve is not everlasting..

the eternal life, (with no sigmoid)

wud be the afterlife..

make the best of our life..

by seeking upon His Rahmat and Rahim in this very world..

pray to Him and He may grant us the life that we wished for,

may Allah bless u all..


****n here is my desktop****

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

questions to tept n me (tagged)

I soooo dont want to do this,
but the questions is somewhat close to what i wanna blog today,
here it is..
-from fateenatiqah

Here are the rules ;

1. List these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
5. Link the person who tagged you.
6. Leave a comment for each blogger.

No.1 ;

KHOLAS keda..!!!

No.2 ;

1)mostly called anwar, sometimes tept, and those sweet ones calls me azhari
2)addicted to skipping
(latest rope is an adidas called TSR-tept sigmoid rope)

3)like dark purple
4)can cook very well and get fat by it
5)my greatest strength is my greatest weakness
6)i treat everyone more less the same

No.3 ;

1)can easily get morale down
2)i do things that others wont appreciate
3)my desk is always a mess
4)i'm not working hard enuf as a medical student
5)my mind is more mature that how i act to the surrounding
6)people wud totally hate me if i kutuk them

No.4 ;

No.5 ;

ke-stylo-an di situ.. haha..

Friday, November 28, 2008


assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..

scroll down to see a wonderful wallpaper made by tept..


Monday, November 24, 2008


My Top 10 Most Favorite Foods :

1. laksam kelate @ ganu
2. laksa johor
3. mee sup kedah & pasar payang ganu
4. sate kajang
5. rojak singapore
6. mee mamak
7. satar kijal & greenwood
8. keropok lekor ganu
9. apa2 yg org blanje
10. makann yg ak masak

Top 5 Types of Girls I Adore :

1) she would make me fell down the stairs or hit a pole if i looked at her
2) she would gave me tachycardia each time i looked at her
3) she is my greatest motivation
4) she read the Quran that i got for her
5) she give me some food to get me going great

5 Things I Love Doing When I'm Happy :

1. joget sampai berpeluh
2. skipping sampai tali putus
3. masak n makan sampai kenyang
4. treat my friends for an ice cream
5. read books

5 Things I Wish To Happen :

1. 4 flat
2. getting to europe to see my friends
3. to see the nice things in egypt
4. going back home in 2014
5. the position of my father as HOD of Pathalogy & Forensic

My Top 10 Most Addicted Song :

1. what you got
2. all disney's songs
3. all michael buble's songs
4. hurrrmmm....
5. no idea

5 People I Wish 2 Tag :

1. whoever
2. that
3. read
4. this
5. post

syok gak

L wannabe had tagged me. i dunnoe whut tagged really is, but ma roomate told me to do smthing bout it. i think i had been tagged b4 but i dunnoe whut to do bout it.
so here it is. (at least i got smthing to do)

Tag rules.Remove one question from above and add in your personal question. Make a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.
1. How often do you think of committing suicide?
urmm.. i wud thnk of whut pple commiting suicide think of..
2. On what age would you want to end your single-ness?
as early or as late as possible 24, 25 maybe
3. How many babies you want?
1 at a time.. when d baby turnd to a kid i'll have another 1
4. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
if ur lucky
5. What is your goal for this year?
getting simple n low profiled
6. Do you believe in eternity love?
sure.. its wonderful
7. What's love means to you?
couple, married, sex, children, getting old, DIE.. together (i just add 'together' from halim)
8.What feeling do you love most?
9. Do you love money ?
no.. because i wud spend them all. if i didnt, smbody else wud.
10. Is there anything you wanna tell the ppl you hate ?
dont kutuk or ejek me. cuz u r TOTALLY gonna hate me if i use ma word of kutukan
11. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
it may not be from my point of view to answer this q
12. What does flying means to you?
going back to london, and return to malaysia
13. What do you crave for the most currently?
sleeping in d cold winter
14. Have you ever having two or more girl/boyfriend in the same time?
never n not once
15. Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words.
a cute guy who wud be muscular
16. What have you done to yourself make yourself happy?
eat n hibernate
17. What will u become in another 10 years to come?
a possible married Dr
18. What is your boyfriend/girlfriend name?
refer to 14#
19. What is your ambition?
a single Dr with a great business
20. Choose one, married to a bitch or a gay.

i chose,
mirrah atika
hilal gorilla
ainul mardhiah
anas kamaruddin


Thursday, November 13, 2008

TepT's rhapsody- part 1

Al-quran surah pertamanya al-fatihah
ayat didalamnya ada tujuh
sebelum ku ceritakan sebarang kisah
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

piramid berbentuk segi tiga
dibina oleh makhluk asing
ini adalah kisah saya
yang berada di tanah asing

burung puyuh burung selayang
burung enggang di sandakan
hari dulu aku terbang
egypt air bulan ramadhan

warna warni rama rama
merah hitam hijau dan biru
sampailah sahaya ke ARMA
dilayan baik selama dua minggu

air tasik tidak berkocak
air masak jangan dibazir
kering bibir dahaga tekak
kurasakan puasa di padang pasir

malam raya berkumandang takbir
menanti pengunguman majlis raja-raja
waktu raya sudah ditakrir
rinduku hanya pada malaysia

tamar hindi memang terasa
tebu juga dibuat 'asir
tak dapat kita beraya bersama
ku beraya di hayyu 'asyir

ketupat sate ketupat palas
kuah sate berwarna merah
hari jumaat kunaiki bas
memulakan langkah ke iskandariah

tiap hari makan tokmiyah
dimasak oleh sekalian masri
tiap hari otakku diperah
oleh anatomi, biochem dan fisiologi

sejuk beku ditepi pantai
sejuk lagi dirumah jadu (izzat taha)
hidup disini tidaklah santai
harus disululi usaha yang jitu

pokok kurma ditiup angin
namun ia masih berdiri utuh
hanya doa dan restu ayah ibu yang ku pingin
agar iman diriku ini tetap teguh

proton perdana honda CRV
toyota vios honda city
akan ku berhenti setakat ini
sudi-sudilah menjenguk blogku lagi

pulau pandan jauh ketengah
buah cempedak di lua' paga'
ku ucapkan ma'asalamah
syufak tani, ilalliqa'


Thursday, October 30, 2008

doing just fine


its been awhile since my last blog.

nothing much to say eventhough there are many things that has been seen..

i want to say good luck to all my friends who would be sitting in the SPM..

my neighbor,

zuhri adlina, ira, jasmin, e'et,

my cousins,

asmidar, hafizah,

my second cousin and twin sis,


my friends,

nurul atiqah, shamim,

my juniors,

bdak2 dorm B104, fellow saserians, ice cool kajang boys,

and to all who are currently studying for their futures..


wat btol2..

x susah, mudah jer..

insyaAllah korang leh berjaya..

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


assalamualaikum malaysia, mesir, dan beberapa rakan2 di saudi, eropah, juga amerika dan afrika...

saya di sini sihat2 saja, alhamdulillah,

telah begitu lama saya tidak memposkan blog yg baru.

oleh kerana agak susah untuk mendapatkan pertalian internet yang stabil di sini,

maka selalunya pos yang hendak saya poskan akan dilintas talian dan akhirnya pos tersebut gagal diposkan.

aku mengarut saja...

insyaAllah gamba yang terkini akan saya cuba sedaya upaya untuk mempertontonkannya.

buat masa kini,



serve a smile to every muslim and non-muslim near u..


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

things to see 1- me at there

i'll be updating again next tyme..
today the connection here is quite weird..
i thought that i could show u guys the pix of awal syawal..
but dont worry,
i'll try my best next time..


***arghh.. tensyen abis r...!!***


ucapan dari mesir

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

kopiah warna merah

23hb 9,

ak ke masjid amru pada waktu malam..
nak beriktikaf kat saner..

sampai2 jer,
cari la spot yg baik punya..

ak pn solat tahiyat al-masjid.
lpas 2 ak bkak la al-quran..

ak pn mengaji,

lpas 2,
ak lihat seorang lelaki Arab berborak ngan Anis..
borak x leh blah, konfem Anis x paham langsung ape yg saudara arab td 2 cakap..

ak pn tutup al-quran dan menegur orang arab tersebut..

"Waalaikumsalam wbt.. ana muhammad mustofa bla3 bla3 bla3.."
***mak aih.. laju nyer dye cakap.. x paham langsung aku..***

aku pn wat2 paham je la..
pastuh ak dpt tau yg die 2 plajar al-azhar.
pastuh dye citer (dlm bahasa arab) pasal detik2 menghadapi sakarat al-maut
pergh.. cara dye citer mmg gempak la beb.. dgn gaya2 skali..

pastuh dye bukak citer lain lak..
dye ckp psal dye kene belasah org..
dye nk ckp,
"org 2 nak pukul aku, aku pn elak ***fiunggg!!!!***"
***mmg x leh blah cara dye citer.. sampai bergolek2 dye kat masjid amru tuh..***
n dye ada cakap gak dye gaduh pasal sebotol coca-cola (ak pn x sure n still rasa pelik)

dye ada tunjuk kertas yg ada no telefon dlm tlisan arab
***ak x paham langsung tulisan tuh***
aku tanye dye,
"ape mnda nih??(ehdi??)"
dye jawab "coca-cola"

ak masih x paham..

pastu ustaz Baihaqi dtg..
n then borak2 ngan arab tuh..

pastuh arab 2 asyik borak je, n ustaz Baihaqi pn blah..
oleh kerna arab 2 masih berborak x henti2, aku dapat 1 ilham..

ak ckp kat arab 2,
"ko nak x dgr ak mngaji al-quran??"
***dye mcm menghiraukan persoalan ak n tros berborak***
***ak pn trus mengaji surah As-Saad, ayat 43***

***sedang mengaji... dlm hati, (perghh.. arab nih dah senyap lar.. alhamdulillah.. baik ak terus je mngaji.. letih ak dgr arab ni cakap jer)***

"sadaqallah al-azim"
***tutup al-quran***

***lpas 2 arab nih sambung borak daa... mnyesal aku tutup al-quran aku.. T_T ***

kemudian didatangi kami dengan kanak2 arab..
bernama Muhammad(ktorg panggil dye Rafael Nadal), Ahmad, Hussein, dan Muhammad..
ktorg pn borak dgn bnyak lg..

Nadal leh ckp bahasa Melayu.. dye tanya ak, "siapa nama mu??"

n then Nadal ckp ngan jadu
(dlm bahasa arab, org ni *muhammad yg suker berborak tuh* ko x yah layan dye, dye nih x btol sket)

ak borak je la ngan bdak2 arab nih dan menghiraukn Muhammad..
dh lame sgt borak,
aku tido lar..

***40 minit kemudian, imam mengangkat takbir, dan aku dikejutkan oleh pak arab utk berQiamullail..***

***mak aih.. baru kejap je aku tido...!!! letih lg la weyh***

n then, *kelihatan seorang anak arab dtg ke arahku, dye berkata, "whudu'??"
aku mengangguk..
dye ckp lg, (dlm bhase arab, "kat saner")
n then dye nak aku hulur tangan ak, n then dye sapu minyak hatar ke tangan ak.. wangi..

ak pn bersolat..
lpas 2 rakaat, ak kembali ke tmpat ak utk mengaji, lpas 2, seorang arab mendekati aku,
dye cakap arab, ak faham dye nak dgr aku mengaji, ak pn..
***mak aih.. nak dgr ak mngaji la plak..***
trus membuka al-quran..
***aku mengaji sambil pak arab 2 membetulkan bacaanku yg salah***

***imam angkat takbir***
pak arab 2 berkata, "sadaqallah al-azim"


ak pn trus bangun dan sambung solat tahajjud berjemaah..

lpas solat rakaat ke-4,
budak arab yg sapu minyak hatar td borak ngan aku,
dye tanya aku,
"anta sin wala yaban?? (ko ni org cina ke org jepun??)

aku cakap, "ana malayzi, sin wa yaban, ainhu soghir, wa ana, aini kabir.. kidah..!"
(ak nih org malaysia, org cina n jepun mata dye kecik.. tgk aku, mata aku besar..!)

dye pn mengangguk tanda faham..

n bnyak lg lar citer yg ak x dpt nak citer..
ada pak arab nih siap panggil aku nih "syeikh"
cuz ak pakai kopiah warna merah

n mmg bnyak la pak arab yg kasi makan, minum, utk sahur kpd kami,
n bnyak jugak yg sapu minyak hatar ke aku, ada dlm 4-5 kali la tngn ak kena sapu hatar
n mmg bnyak yg ckp ana uhibbuk, saya sayang awak, i love u, peluk2 ak, cium2 aku, n mcm2 lg..

ak jd disayangi plak..

aiwah kholas..


***nak dgr cerita full version?? dtg la jumpe aku.. borak la ngan aku, insyaAllah, aku citer ngan lg gempak***

berakhir sudeyh..


letih, penat, lelah menjalani ibadah puasa di bulan ramadhan..

solat sehingga sengal lutut,

mengaji sehingga serak suara,

bermusafir sehingga berdebu kaki,

berdoa sehingga menitis air mata,

bersujud sehingga berkerak dahi,

bertasbih sehingga berbuih mulut,

tidak tidur sampai lebam mata,

mencari keredhaan Mu ya Allah..

ya Allah..

ampunilah dosa2 kami,
kau jadikanlah kami hambaMu yg berjaya mempertingkatkan amalan pada bulan Ramadhan yg diberkati ini ya Allah..
Kau makbulkanlah segala doa ibu bapa kami, guru2 kami, saudara2 kami, sahabat2 kami, dan seluruh kaum Muslim seagama kami,
Kau hindarilah kami dari api neraka Mu,
Kau masukkanlah kami ke syurga Mu ya Allah..
Ampunilah dosa2 kami,

rabbana aatina fi al-dunia wa al-hasanah, wa fi al-akhirati hasanah, waqinaa azab an-naar,


owh yea..

p/s: selamat hari raya

Monday, September 22, 2008

kisah 3 org sahabat

***nama sebenar sahabat2 ini dirahsiakan***

Tept: urp.. alhamdulillah..

Azhari: Alhamdulillah .. (baca doa habis mkn)

Anwar: weyh2.. jom la bangun, blah r dri sini..

***kelihatan ramai kanak2 arab mengumpul sisa makann kami. kelihatan seorg mak cik arab mengumpul smua sisa mknn ke dlm beberapa beg plastik dan baldi yg berkarat***

***sedikit sup kentang telah terpercik ke arah TepT ketika mak cik arab tersebut mengumpul sisa makanan***

Tept: aiseh.. kotor sudeyh seluar ak..

Anwar: mak aih.. aku makan menda nih.. dye kutip sisa ak.. sisa2 org smua dye kutip. mak aih.. ya Allah.. dye nk wat pe ngan mknn nih??

Azhari: masyaAllah.. kesian giler mak cik nih, ak x pnah pn mkn sisa org..

Tept: kesian doh diorg smua.. diorg tinggal kat ner nih?? brape ramai famly diorg? bnyak giler sisa mknn diorg nk kumpul.

Azhari: ***sebak dada***

Anwar: ***air mata berlinangan***

Tept: mak aih.. baik ak blah seblom ak nangis..

***setelah keluar dari tmpat berbuka tersebut, kami menuju ke masjid***

***kelihatan pak arab menjual 'asir tamar hind***

Tept: wahh.. tamar hind.. dahaga aku.. nak minum r..

Azhari: weyh2, tgk 2..

***kelihatan seorg tua sedang merangkak-rangkak, memakai baju yang amat usang, berdebu, dan amat kotor.***

Azhari: ***sebak dada***

Anwar: ***air mata berlinangan, kelopak mata x mampu menampung berat air mata tersebut, lalu jatuh bak mutiara air mata tersebut***

Tept: ***turut rasa sebak*** weyh, korg, ok x??

Azhari: sedeyh dok ak, x pnah ak tgk ramai org susah camnih **menarik nafas panjang**

Anwar: weyh, slame ni ak hidup senang je. Allah kasi nikmat kat aku macam2 slame ak hidup kat dunia nih. tgk org 2, jln dah la merangkak, baju usang.. aku, dah la jalan tegap, nk pijak jalan yg bersih pn pakai kasut 'nike'. kalo sejuk pakai sweater 'adidas'.. pak cik tua tuh??? pakai jubah sehelai 2 jer.. mak aih.. ksian doh.. ***terus menangis***

Azhari: ya Allah.. selama ni Kau bagi family ak ngan aku makan sedap2 je semua kat dunia nih. manakala ngan hamba-Mu yg ada kt tmpat buke pose td dpt mkn sisa org je ya Allah.. ya Allah.. Kau jadikanlah aku dlm kalangan hamba Mu yg bersyukur.. kau selamatkan lah hamba-Mu yg lemah ini ya Allah... **teresak-esak**

Tept: ***sedeyh*** **terasa diri sungguh hina dina**

***mereka telah tiba di masjid. menunaikan solat maghrib secara berjemaah***

Azhari: **menangis teresak-esak**

Anwar: **mengesat air mata**

Tept: **doa** **membuka al-quran dan membaca surah al-furqan**

maka inilah kisah 3 sahabat yg selama ni hidup senang kat malaysia.. dan terus menangis pabila melihat rakyat mesir al-ardh al-anbiya wa al-ardh al-kinanah yg hidup dgn amat susah.. semoga Allah memberi hidayah kepada mereka dan menguatkn hati mereka utk meneruskan hidup di mesir ini.. insyaAllah..

Sunday, September 21, 2008

adik-beradik ku ... ~

kakak aku- Aini Arifah dan Aini Arifah

abang aku- Ahmad Azizi dan Amir Azlan

adik-beradik aku 5 org je termasuk diriku ini..

n ada gak

abang dan kakak angkat- Azrin omar dan kak Sal

skang nih keluarga aku dah makin besar..

abang aku dah ada 14..

abg sulong ak- Izzat Taha

abg 2nd- Muhammad Alham

abg yg memberi nasihat- Muhammad yadiy

abg yg cool- muhammad Anis

abg yg stylo- muhammad nazli

abg yg suker main game- zaihas, hasyimi dan alif

abg kembar x serupa- ahmad fakhrul izzat

abg yg sama umur- ahmad sayuti

abg yg suka bersuka ria- muhammad furhan

abg yg serba "boleh"- muhammad norazri

abg yg baik hati- abdul samad

abg yg kacak dan suara memikat- muhammad khair akmal

kakak angkat yg paling cute- nurfarahani

akak y
g caring- ada~

akak jiran sekampung- fatin nur atiqah

akak yg solehah- ustazah asyikin hanifah

akak yg disegani- ilya sofia

adik yg disayangi- amalina

akak yg comel- khadijah

akak saudara- fadhilatunnur, farhan syahirah

dua pupu- 'ismah mansurah

n bnyak lagi adik-beradik aku..
kami akan hidup bersama utk masa yg agak lama.. 6 tahun setengah..


bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim..

Ya Allah..
kekalkanlah ikatan ikhwah yg telah engkau jalinkan ini..
moga2 kami tergolong dalam kalangan hamba-Mu yg bertaqwa dan beramal soleh..

ya Allah ya Rahman..
janganlah Engkau timbulkan perasaan hasad dengki, cemburu, ego, dan busuk hati di antara kami..
engkau utuhkanlah persahabatan kami sebagaimana utuhnya persahabatan rasulullah SAW dgn abu bakar as-siddiq, umar, uthman, dan sayidina ali karamallah wajhah..

ya Allah ya karim..

engkau permudahkanlah semua urusan kami ..
dan jangan pula engkau menyusahkan urusan kami..

rabbana aatina fi al-dunya hasanah
wa fi al-aakhirati hasanah
waqinaa azab al-nar..


Friday, September 19, 2008

currently at cairo



currently at cairo..

i just called my mom n i'm glad to hear her voice..

i tried to call my dad but i cudnt talk to him because he was busy..
i blame the indian gang who got killed n been sent to my dad for post mortem..


i had called my brother n he wants me to send pictures of me..

just for everyone to know,

I'm all good here..

I'm really glad to be at mesir..


Sunday, September 14, 2008

last week - chapter 2: ziarah aku ke rumah sahabat pada bulan ramadhan


pagi ini lebih cerah dari biasa. aku amat gembira. kami (aku, zaihas, alif, dan izzat) tanawaltu futur pada pukul 5.00 pagi.

6.25 pagi, kami telah berada di stesen ktm kajang. fatin, ada dan syikin telah menunggu kami.

dalam komuter, aku melihat kanak2 indon buat kerja rumah matematika. diorg dlm lingkungan darjah 1 or 2 camtuh la. ada dlm 5-6 org. semua org didalam komuter memerhatikan gerak-geri, dan perbualan mereka yg mencuit hati. cute doh diorg. rasa mcm nak culik jer. haha..

8.00 pagi, tiba di UniKL.

1.00 tgh hari, solat jumaat di masjid Kg Baru.

4.00 ptg, dapat duit..!!

5.00 ptg, bersurai.

aku telah pergi ke rumah sahabatku, Nurul Atiqah. ibunya telah mengajak ak untuk membuka puasa di rumahnya. perjalanan menaiki monorel dan LRT Putra ke rumahnya agak meletihkan.

7.00 mlm, aku telah tiba di rumah Dr Khairul (bapa kpd Atiqah). aku disambut baik oleh mereka sekeluarga. seolah-olah aku merupakan ahli keluarga mereka juga.

7.16 mlm, setelah ak refresh diri aku dgn mandian yg menyegarkan, kami berbuka puasa bersama. pelbagai juadah dihidangkan. selepas itu solat maghrib.

8.30 mlm, aku terlalu letih. x terdaya utk aku mengikut Dr khairul ke surau utk menunaikan solat terawikh. jadi, aku hanya stay kat umah diorg utk merehatkan badan sambil bercerita dan bergembira.

10.30 mlm, aku sepatutnya berjumpa semula dgn alif, zaihas dan izzat di KL sentral. namun, kerana menunggu Dr Khairul utk pulang dr surau, ak dh jd terlambat sedikit. setelah itu, Dr Khairul membawa aku ke KL sentral. namun, izzat hantar sms mngatakan bahawa mereka dah bertolak ke kajang. maka, Dr khairul terus menghantar aku ke kajang.

11.00 mlm. aku tiba di rumah. aku mengucapkan salam dan selamat tinggal ke atas keluarga Dr Khairul. sungguh, mereka amat baik terhadapku.

11.10 mlm, zaihas dan izzat telah tiba di rumahku, mereka dijemput oleh bapaku.



last week - chapter 1: ziarah sahabat pada bulan ramadhan


aku ke masjid jame' pekan kajang utk menunaikan solat subuh.
masjid ini merupakan masjid favourite aku selepas masjidil haram dan masjid nabawi yg pernah aku pergi sebelum ini.
aku pergi ke pasar borong serdang yg terletak di seri kembangan. macam2 dijual di sini.
kambing pn adasayuran

Lepas balik dr pasar, mak aku, ayah aku dan aku, serta org gaji aku mula memasak soto.
pukul 2.30 ptg, fatin dtg umah ak utk tolong aku potong nasi impit dan siat2 ayam.

5.00 ptg, pokjak dan zaihas tiba di ktm kajang. ak dan fatin pergi menjemput mereka.

7.00 ptg, fatin, alif, syikin, dan ada dtg ke rumah ak. doa selamat telah diadakan.

7.16, solat maghrib dan berbuka puasa.

selepas itu, solat terawikh diadakan.
saya dan keluarga saya mengucapkan terima kasih kerana sudi datang ke majlis doa selamat yg diadakan utk pelajar kitt yg akan berlepas ke mesir, antaranya, fatin, ada, syikin, alif, zaihas, izzat, dan aku. terima kasih diucapkan kepada ustaz anwar yg sudi datang memeriahkan majlis dan haji azhar yg mengimamkan solat terawikh, dan ustaz azwir yg mengimamkan solat maghrib.
