tika mananya kita melihat kembali akan sekeliling kita, lihat sajalah ke mana-mana.
nescaya yang memakai tudung, yang free hair, yang cantik, yang seksi itu lebih ramai.
tiada lagi tatapan di mana banyaknya jantan gantang memenuhi ruangan kaki lima suasana.
keluh, penulisan seperti ini tiada gaya.
permulaan semula.
sigh, its like everyday we talked about gurls. its a common topic to speak about them gurls.
and here is some findings that i got from some conversation.
TepT: hey, u gurls saving duit x?
Gurl: saving? ahahaha.. nk wat per?
TepT: i dunnoe, kawin perhaps?
Gurl: please lar.. kitorg shopping jer la..!! baru syok..!!
TepT: owhh..
and on another conversation,
Tept: dude, apsal ko saving sangat nih?
Dude: haii, nk kawin punyer pasal, simpanla duit.
TepT: owh, then duit nih pakai nk wat per?
Dude: dunnoe la, utk bini ak pakai nnt kot. mmbahagiakan isteri la katakan..
TepT: hahaha..
Dude: hahahaha..
i wud give a huge LOL to this matter.
pergghh.. kaum Adam nih its like we are too good to be true.
while we crank our expenditure for thinking about our future, that
probly and meticulously where we would be married, and by that i mean is having a wife,
and this so called wife needs to be fed and make happy, with that we need money,
urrgghh.. wait, theres to much coma, i lost my point.
my point is, please la guys. u all are getting skinny n skinnier evry week from saving.
while those gurls are out there having their fun.
suppose that we shud hav more fun than them la.
get ur expenditure going with all the wishes that u ever dreamed of,
stop thinking bout saving cuz u wanna be married to someone. it sounds ridiculous.
for me maybe. sigh.
fund more of your expenditure on nice clothing, extraordinary books, exotic foods,
and more of the stuff we wouldnt get back there at malaysia.
owh wait. speaking about spending, Abe just bought himself a new VESPA.
yeahh, now thats an expenditure.
while talking bout them gurls made me think,
there are pretty much, so much gurls out there.
most of them are nice, so us guys here shudnt hav any bit of problem to find
the righteous one to be our wedded wife.
as for so, would any issue like 'guys wont be loyal as much' probly rise.
owh yeah, i totally agree that this kind of matter would happen.
yes, its undeniable that we have the so called "4 column" to be filled (could be filled),
and so we could be flirting around by never thinking that the world will come to an end. Lol
but this loyalty thingy, its not a matter that loyalty depends on the doer himself,
but with both cooperating in building trust and loyalty towards each other.
women should show loyalty too, of course. saying that loyalty of a man is on the edge
of extinction is completely false.
because loyalty is a 2 way subject, not by the guy or the girl themselves.
so girls, trust ur man.
trust him.
loyalty is on both of us.
seriously, that dude is saving just for that you could go for more shopping.
why not trust him?
he would be loyal.
and yes, if and only if he is a man.
by talking about loyalty,
i hope that my girl, wud love someone else more than me.
and that someone else, would be Rasulullah (peace be upon him).
nyata bahawa wanita itu lebih ramai, tapi, adakah wujudnya wanita yang mencintai Rasulullah SAW lebih dari suaminya sendiri?
(sepertimana zaman para sahabat dahulu?)
nyata, persoalan itu kembali kepada wanita.
sigh, how i wish that i could find one like this.
"i hope that my girl, would love someone else more than me.."
simple but meaningful..
nice article
~akk mithali~
boys save money 4 die nyer wife normal la coz mmg dyer wjib kna bg nafkah...
n gurls save dyer nyer money x kan la ntok bg nafkah kat hubby dye..dats weird...
bside gurls gna wet tok shopping pon ntok hubby dye gak...biar dye nmpk cntik dpn hubby dye btol x..klu x nnti hubby dye g cr org len..mklumla dye ade 4 tmpt kosong nk isi..nyampah~
pompuan yg bek adlh utk laki yg klu u nk wife yg bek u knala jd terbaik...
-jgn kecik ati lak..juz nk kongsi idea..hehe..
tht shud b right. women shops for d satisfaction of their hubby. if not, d hubby wud be boring right?
n from d boring-ness we tend to fill d 4 column. haha..
but in ur 1st point, tht gurls x smpan wet, x rase mcm nnt nk wat kenduri kawin yg grand2 kat bride side akn gune wet parents yg bnyak ker? my point is, if we r to be married, we shud consider less to use our parents money, and so the saving. n whut wud u consider in this?
*waiting for anybody to rebutt my point
i dunno who is the girl who went shopping tu je.
but most of us, maybe among my girlfriends we save our money. yes, of course we went shopping, that's our nature. and we love to dine too, dine good food. and at times, we love to travel to nice places. but then again, we do save our money. we have our future planning, be it for our hubby-to-be, our for watever reason it is.
our point of view is, when it comes to money, both hubby and wifey should share equal burden on it. especially if both are working. but then of course, hubby haf bigger responsibilties. that's why a wife is always there to help him.
ok, terpanjang. huhu
yg nk kawen kan kite kan parents bab2 knduri tu deyol la yg urus..kte ikot je..
lenla klu kawen lari..haha
agree with hur that we got equal burden..
n a nice kind of answer tht im waiting for from anony.
however, biasenye gurls la yg demand kat parents nk bunga telur yg grand la, pelamin grand la, n all d grand2 stuff (maklumla kawin skali jer kan). nk ikutkn parents yg mampu ok jer la kn,
but kalo ngan parents yg kurang afford to give all that, and with the plus factor, the demanding bride. how wud that then be??
org tua2 pernah ckp, kalau nak cari psgn, cari org yang suka kita. Bukan cari yang kita suka.
Eh? Kena ke tak komen aku dengan post ni? macam lari topik jer?? haha
boys save money utill they become skinny..
owh tept..ko kena makan la byk2.
ko dah skinny..
ckp je la apape pn anony,
n bout d thing u brought here,
sparks me a question,
how can u knoe that someone is truely inyo u, n not pretendly to like u?
to fiza:
OMG..!! ak kurus ke? thts a really big compliment.. =) =) =)
pompuan pn patut simpan la duit utk nk kawin nnt..xdela asyik mntak duit suami je..atleast ad duit sndiri, xmengharap pada suami walaupun suami mmg wajib bagi nafkah pada bini.. :)
hurmm..klu cm 2..mkin lma..mkin ssh pompuan nk cri llaki yg btol2 loyal~~~..........hurmmm~~~
lelaki akan mencari selagi x dapat..
tapi bila da dapat susah nk peduli (bini die ar) smpi akhir hayat..
berbeza dgn gurl...
so nk yang setia...pilihlah yang setia pada tuhannya..
kerana tuhan yang mengaturkan alam..
dan mengatur kesetiaan...
InsyaAllah beruntunglah isteri itu yang memiliki Suami bersetiakn Allah..wallahualam
komen sket..
perempuan pun ada yang berjimat n lelaki ada je yang boros..
x fair la klu ckp pom asek shopping je..
duit boleh beli kebahagiaan!
tak sume pempuan jenis suka boros..
mslhnye skrg ni, ko pya ramdomized SUBJECt tu yg problem..may b dari kalngan anak2 dato'!!
well, anwy, klu skrg dah ramai gurlz yg mcm kaca, pandai2 r cari permatanya.. sebelum cari permata, pandai2 r jadi manikam yg bijak.. jgn jd manikam a/l muthu lak...
1 more, klu nk cari yg bagus, ko kna jd BAGUS DULU!! org yg baik dicipta & ditakdirkan utk org yg baik.. klu suka2 ati nk flirt ngn mna2 gurlz, its up to u.. but at d end, tanggung sndri r.. then, cba bygkan klu mak ko or fmly pompuan ko yg kna maen ngn laki pe ko rasa??
jgn cakap ikot ska ati je.. muhasabah diri ko tu dulu..
btw,pasal hntran n mjlis kawen besar2 tak sume suka pon..
at last but x least..
semoga ko dilembutkan ati n dapat bertemu dgn yg terBAIK utk org yg BAIK cam ko TepT...........~~
MAs kawin mahal : Hutang dan bebanan pada leleki
Mas kawin murah : Senang kerja x yah fikir nak saving2.
Before married : kurus sbb saving. (x makan banyak)
After married : MAn Mengandung 9 bulan sbb balas dendam x dapat makan banyak.
ermmm..agk2..snng x nk cri laki yg bnr2 setia pd tuhannya ...di zmn skrng?~~~~....
insankecil: ak stuju.
almas: lelaki yang setia pada tuhannya tentulah ada, walau sukar dicari. tak sukar, kalau wanita juga ke arah mencari kesetiaan. bianalah kesetiaan pada Allah dan RasulNya terlebih dahulu. kita juga sama, sebagai lelaki, harus wujudkan kesetiaan pada Allah dan RasulNya.
Anonymous #5:
yup. i totally agree. memang beruntung kalau wanita itu dapat mencari lelaki yang setia. TAPI,
(sigh..) wanita itu juga kene setia pada suaminya. haha..
analogi mudah- ada segeneh, beli 'asir asob, minum sampai habis, rasa manis, timbul rasa bahagia.
anonymous #6:
owh, bukan dari kalalangan anak dato' spt yg anda sangkakan. seblom nih pn ad yg ckp cmtuh, tp kat ym je. n mmg dye ni bkn anak dato'. kalo nk sebut nama sgt mengaibkan cuz probly u all pn knal. but basically ak pn dh lupe sape gurl tuh, yg ak taw dye idup sederhana spt mana dak alex lain.
cuz dye mmg dak alex. haha..
part yg ko ckp: nk dpt yg bgs kene cari yg bagus dulu, i got nothing to comment cuz its true. n we all shud b looking at a mirror right now.
flirting point, hurrmm.. i dun go random. n i dun do flirt. not anymore, thts 4 sure. im more talking bout perspective of d malaysian community of malaysia.
hantaran n majlis smua tuh, again, think back about d social perspective people..!! i dun think that u r any type of kera that only think with ur mind n not to think about others mind. ur not. please.
n i love ur pray, thank you, may Allah bless u with a great life now and afterwards with ur spouse.
mas kawin tinggi.. no komen. inflasi akan terjadi juga mungkin?
Need an opinion from a guy.
Sayer break up dgan bf sbab my bf mtak break up dgan alasan kahwin lambat lagi. Dan mungkin jumpa ramai orang lain. Kalau ader jodoh kahwin, kalau tak ader, redha jer la.Dan dier pon bukanlah seorang yang suker kasi hadiah atau kasi belanjer dekat gf dier.
(bertuah dpat lelaki yg ckap dlm blog, smpan duit untuk isteri..huhu)
rase2 lelaki macam ni, hnya nak permainkan org ker aper?
wah, jantan seperti ini juga sukar dicari. bgslah kalo breakup. mybe atas alasan dye x nk kemaksiatan berlaku antara korg n btol2 nk jaga gf dye. jaga gf dgn bjauhan. bg ak, cara yg btol la tuh. kalo x de ikatan wat pe nk dekat2 je. letih malaikat tulis dosa kemaksiatan kalo laki n gurl together2 nih (in case malaikat taw letih la). dan mamat nih sedar akan ketentuan, x berjanji atas awan. dye ckp ape yg patut. maybe antara korg akn jmpe yg lg bgs, who knows?
dye x blanje pn cuz segan kot. haha..
dye x menkn prempuan, dye tahan sabar. dye x nk gurls yg dye sayang same2 wat maksiat ngan dye.
a guy: thanx 4 da reply. it makes me feel better.
a guy: hurrmm.. x taw nk ckp ape.. nasihat ko mmg bgs. thanks..
yady..ko bab kawen mmg laju=))
ape2 je la tept.**dgn nada mls lyn**
top commenter ak baru nk muncul??
kAwin itu ibadah. Buat ibadah ni jgn lambat2.
aku suka komen yadiy...
amin punya komen pun best jugak..
azhari, ramainye org komen.. haha
hot topic huh.
i like that 'dude'.
he has noble niyyat (RASOK exam influencedd me much?).
money is not entirely for marriage that is entirely about women right? ^^
girls do save.
i save.
have to!
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