today post of tept wud be about farahani..
just kiddin..
let me go again,
today post of tept wud be about milk n honey, or honey n milk, whichever u like it..
the thing about them 2 is,
they r wonderful when are mixed together..!!!
seriously, just have a glass of milk with a spoon full of honey with d milk..
its wonderful....!!!!
i had a fren called farahani in which her email include honey and milk.. i've heard, read, n pronounced her email adress but never to actually mixed them together..
its like ilmu tanpa amal ibarat pohon x berbuah..
n just mix honey & milk..!! its wonderful..!!
btw, thanks hani..!! (for the inspiration and much else)
here is my new bottle containing milk
salam.. td ak g carrefour ngan shimi..
saje jln2
shimi nk bli hard disk,
ak nk bli mcm2..
n d milk bottle is 1 of d things i bought.
stepping into carrefour makes me feel like being in msia..
exam mode is on..!!
just now we had finished d histology and biochemistry practical exam..
after 1 week, d big exam wud come..
n hahahaha..
exam je memanjang..
pict 1: TepT while studying (credit to rahman D for d candid)
pict2: alif asyraf- alamak..!! x bace lg..!!
pict 3: shimi- lamenyer kene tunggu.. biler nk exam nih?? ~tido~
pict 4: abu: hahaha.. x yah la korg bukak buku lagi.. korg nih mmg pembaca buku tegar..!!
pict 5: pok jak- haha.. histo senang jer la ..
pict 6: afiq- snap a pic jap..
pict 7: tepet - huhu
pict 8: perbincangan kali terakhir..
well then,
just wanna say good luck and all d best to all my comrades
in all the upcoming exams..!!!
wahahaha... best2!!!
tp ak x ske minum susu.. rse pening2 jer biler minum.. x best2... sedap ke wat camtu?? hahahaaha..
sgt2lah best yg teramat sgt..
u shud try,
maybe u wud start 2 like milk after this.
cudnt b that u r lactose intolerance
bottle miLk tuh comel gilewww~!!!!
nk kirim2..nk kirim2...ekeke:)
is it really that nice?
if i were to try it, what kind of milk should i use for the mixture?
low fat or full cream?
and for the honey, we can use the bottled honey sold in the supermarket huh?
waa... ada link ke page aku...huhu...
i do that every morning...
a glass of milk with honey...
honey's a really good substitute for sugar... it's healthier too... it's also a good prophylaxis to many diseases...
so.. hope you three have a great life... great results... great relationship.... haha
bukan x minum langsung.. tp x bley minum begitu sahaja.. hehehe
ak minum susu campur ngan air milo.. hahahaha...
bru sedap.. yeah!!
tepet nk cket =)..comey je botol tuh dlm peti ais~ heh..
IRENE> habis berat r beg i balik umah kalo smua mnda u kirim.. dh la kne bwak balik unta skali.. huhuhu..
NUFAS> suka hati asalkn menggembirakn hati n menenagkn perasaan..
ANAS> thanx..
ADA> haha.. stock milo ak dh nk abis la..nk cilok ko nyer sket.. huhu..
YADIY> thts another wonderful recipe. thanks yadiy..
SAYUTI> ko jgn lak men abiskn je botol susu ak.. sedeyh ak..
Hey azhari, ini ayah pakai kakak enny punya komputer. Apa khabar?nampak kurus sangat. Mama kata makan banyak sikit.
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