mesir a.k.a. al-ardh al-nabi wa al-ardh al-kinanah a.k.a. kiblat ilmu a.k.a bumi kotor??
damn, egypt really is disgusting.
bnyak giler sampah.
bnyak giler sampah.
bnyak giler sampah.
bnyak giler sampah.
bnyak giler sampah weyhh...!!!!!!!
but i think its ok cuz i live in alexandria.
they say alex plg bersih skali. ak pn x taw lar kalo alex nih bersih bndar2 len kat mesir nih ape??
cuz i always heard form people around comin here said.
"wahh.. alex nih bersih lar."
"WOW, bersihnya alex..!!"
"owhh.. wow.. (speechless)"
this 3 example of expression wud b from anybody around here who had live for a long tyme in any other region in egypt.
there is this one tyme where i went to d souq (pasar) (market) at mahattah misr. then there is a wonderful n beautiful scenery. where there are too much rubbish around..!! then there was me and anis, eating bananas while waiting our frens to buy some more stuff at d market.
what we did is that we actually peel the bananas and place the banana peel into a plastic of our own. note that it didnt change a thing if we just throw d peel on d road. its like why didnt me n anis just throw it off away? nobody wud scold us or make faces to us or anything. cuz there are already too much rubbish on d road..! but guess what? i care about egypt cleanliness. i appreciate cleanliness. i am a malaysian who cares about cleanliness.
then i said 2 anis,
"weyh, banyak giler sampah kat sini"
"haah, tp diorg smua wat bodo jer"
"weyh anwar, tgk tuh. "
(bayangkan ada seorang penyapu sampah (eyh? seorg pnyapu sampah?) berdiri melihat sampah2 yg berada di sekitar jalan. wajahnya sayu melihat sampah2 tersebut. memikirkan bagaimanakah caranya dia hendak membersihkan smua sampah2 itu.)
"ko tgk la muke dye, kesian dowh, nmpak mcm sgale usaha die nk bersihkn tmpt nih sia2 jer"
x cukup ngan sampah2 tuh, datang pula tiupan angin yang agak kencang.
maka angin itu bertiup dgn amat kencang, maka sampah2 itu berterbangan.
wahh..!! banyaknya sampah di udara..!!
x cukup lagi,
angin yang bertiup kencang itu membentuk satu puting beliung yang tingginya 4 tingkat. maka terjadilah puting (sampah!) beliung yang amat indah..
then i said to anis,
"weyh, punyalah Allah nak tunjukkn kat rakyat dye bahawa sampah bnyak sgt kt cni, Allah siap wat puting beliung sampah lg. nak kasi org nampak bahawa ad bnyak sampah. nak kasi org nmpak agar ad org yg peduli. tp diorg wat bodo jer. mereka bjln mcm biase mcm x de sampah kat cni. dah sebati kot hati mereka ngan sampah?"
*gambar2 sampah yg bnyak d mesir ni amat mengaibkn. so, ak x nk letak.
but there is d view of this morning in front of my house.
but the view of this sampah sarap is just the tip of the tip of the tip of the iceberg. how mesir is really 'damn kotor giler nak mampos', is undescribable.
aku peduli pasal kebersihan
bgos! mulakan dari dalam rumah!!
try to go mansurah or cairo
u can see that alex much2 better
i am walking around ur blog to find which one dat i've posted my comment b4..
and i cudn't help to post this upon reading this.
byknye pahala that guy y kutip2 smpah itu. insyaALLAH..
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