Friday, July 31, 2009

reality, dont GO..!!


melbourne is the swine flu capital of the world.

11 has been reported dead due to the disease that were caused by the virus H1N1.

how does H1N1 develops

read more: search by yourself at wikipedia, and any other sites regarding this issue.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

dont dream, GO..!!





Monday, July 27, 2009

its not flaws, but imperfection


its nice having a friend around,
and its also nice to see a friend goes around.

sending friends to the airport for their trip home feels like they wud be leaving forever,

and staying here feels like staying forever.


I'm leaving your town, again,
but i'm over the ground that you've been spinning,
and i'm up in the air,
said, 'baby, hell yeah',
well honey i can see your house from here,
if the plane goes down, damn,
i'll remember where the love was found.
if the plane goes down, damn.

Jason mraz- plane.

this goes to everybody who are now safe by the side of their parents.
be safe. be happy.

i also want to wish NAIM NOR AZMI,
my dormate and classmate,
my friend, my enemy,
the one that i adore and envy,
he is Scoop.
Happy 19th birthday..
may Allah bless ur life.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

hujan di kajang


2 benda yg ak rindu...

1. Makanan - Sate Kajang


merupakan makanan eksotik paling popular di Malaysia(bukan makanan harian spt roti canai, nasi lemak dll..).

merupakan makanan yg akan ditempah sekiranya ada tetamu datang melawat. juga ditempah dengan banyak sekiranya majlis keramaian diadakan. sekiranya kenduri kahwin diadakan, pembakar sate itu sendiri yg ditempah. sekiranya dalam 1 majlis keramaian itu ada 6-7 juadah yg disediakan seperti laksa, nasi kerabu, mee jawa, dan termasuk juga sate, tuan rumah hanya akan tanya "dah makan sate ke belum??" seterusnya mempelawa tetamunya untuk makan sate tersebut.

sate juga mempunyai kaitan dengan ustaz Azwir Shafrizal, guru ugama ku. beliau mempunyai kenalan rapat yg menjual sate dengan harga yang murah, oleh itu, sekiranya majlis keramaian diadakan, sate akan ditempah melalui ustaz Azwir.

terdapat juga sate kajang di sebelah masjid jame' pekan kajang. maka, sekiranya para jemaah keluar dari masjid setelah menyelesaikan solat, bau yg pertama dihidu ialah bau sate kajang.

setiap kali aku berjogging di kampung halaman ku ba'da asar, ak akan melihat sekurang-kurangnya 3 pembakar sate sedang menghidupkan arangnya dan membuka gerai. seterusnya sate akan dibakar sehinga lewat malam.

nama khas bagi sate ialah Sate Kajang. kajang ialah rumah.

2. Cuaca - Hujan


tatkala hujan, suasana menjadi sedikit suram, bayu meniup kedinginan yang menjadi kerinduan sang keringat.

tatkala hujan, susana menjadi girang, adik-adik melompat di atas lecak sambil betertawa dengan gembira.

tatkala hujan, suasana menjadi romantis, kedinginan dicecah pada sum-sum tulang disuam oleh dakapan kekasih.

tatkala hujan, jalan raya ataupun lebuh raya menjadi sesak, mungkin kerana telah berlakunya kemalangan di hadapan. (pesanan untuk hari raya)

tatkala hujan, setiap titisan air dilihat seperti selembar rahmat Allah SWT, maka suasana hujan merupakan jutaan rahmat Allah SWT.

tatkala hujan, para petani tersenyum, mereka mengucapkan syukur, kasih sayang terhadap hidupan tanahnya mendapat kenikmatan.

Monday, July 13, 2009



puisi ini berunsur lucah.
jangan baca jika anda tidak mahu baca.

maka terselak,
putih gebu dinampak,

pipi penampak ditempelak,
masuk muka dalam kotak.

hanya sekali,
itulah rezeki,

teringat kembali,
itulah tragedi.

mata kanan tertunduk,
mata kiri terbeliak,

kepala hayun angguk,
tahan dada biar segak.

gigi diketam,
tangan digenggam.

lidah basah mencarut,
lidah lembut pinta ampun,

perut masuk angin senggugut,
jangan terus bangun.

hatta disebut kisah imam Syafie,
hafaz terus setelah mengaji,

selak putih gebu wanita arab,
lalu pelajaran menjadi gagap.

berjumpa mengadu kepada guru,
ditinggalkan akannya pesan nasihat,

wahai syafie wahai anakku,
tinggalkanlah kamu akan maksiat.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

smile of an angel- the distance

Assalamualaikum. a simple thought s a boy. a dream that is felt, a reality to chase, a patient to wait.

do also read Smile of an angel-the lyrical glimpse

*i just notice that i misspell angel with angle on the 1st poem

The Distance

dedicated to,
Jasmin Munchar Elias

miles by the sea,
hours by the plane,
distance i took for a change,
almost the hardship tear me apart,
but to think about a soul i fell for before,
stood me back up to be fully packed.

the route i took might be lost from the book,
each time to think there's a thought missing,
neither eyes nor lips could have stay,
but the name that for sure not to be absent,
shall make me remember you, as you,
not falling for sparks nor smiles,
as i got affected only by your soul.

but it would just be the humble me,
never i think that love is something that i afford to give,
for i did not create it,
but for you, dil-'aram,
the love of God,
i shall seek it with you,
that is all i wanted to do,
to live under eternity within happiness,
where bayou flows beneath the ground we stand.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

a typical malay


The Typical Malay

a typical malay,

would wake up early on that day,

to do things that would make him stay,

clentch with all his might and meat,

just to get something to eat,

for their children to read,

send their sons to school,

as the future would be so cool.

the typical malay,

have a slightly angled smile,

to say that this is mine,

not letting anyone interupt,

as it would make them abrupt,

with just little compliment,

could break up his alignment,

of the worlds that goes astray,

still he would be by his ashtray,

as he is just a typical malay.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

5th of July


saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari jadi kepada duapupuku,

Nur Syahirah binti Ishak

dan juga kepada Hab

Selamat hari jadi.

terima kasih di atas surprise dan present yg korg bagi. korg mmg best..!!

Friday, July 3, 2009



masa: 6.23 pagi

Nazli: tept, kalo ko lapar sgt, mkn la be'chammell ak td.

Tept: hmm...

tarikh: 3 julai


selamat menghadapi peperiksaan