Anwar mengajak Tept dan Azhari untuk menikmati hidangan moreh yang disediakan di rumah Anwar.
maka Anwar menjamu mereka dengan Teh O panas dan kuih Koci.
Tatkala itu, Tept memulakan bicara.
TEPT: kawan2, ak rase smthin wrong a kblekangan nih. rase cm bnyak sgt x kna.
ANWAR: ape yg x kena tuh Tept? ko angau jatuh cinta ek?
TEPT: ntah r, ak rase cm ya je. tp d**m r i feel ashamed la to talk about this matter. feels unappropiate.
AZHARI: lorh.. ko nih, citer je la ngan ktorg, bkn ad salah pn citer masalah sesame membe.
TEPT: Sigh.. guys, its like this, i had been 'angau'ing for a couple of weeks already, theres this particular gurl which in this case, her face or wajah kept enter n out in my thought. smtimes i felt them as a distraction. smtimes even during the solat, this particular angau wud happen.
AZHARI: hurmm.. if thats the case, who is that girl? tell us.
TEPT: the girl is, x kn la ak nk ckp kot.. rahsia la
ANWAR: so in this matter ur trying to say that u like this girl la??
TEPT: i dunno la Anwar, i dunnoe if so. but i really noe that im in deep angau, cam s**t la kalo ak x leh fokus mnda yg ak nk wat kalo ak tfikir psal dye je. d**m r.. cmner nih..
AZHARI: ko cmni la, kalo ko still angau asyik pkir psal dye, ko at least time tgh angau tuh, ko doakan utk kebaikan dye, kebaikan ibu bapa dye, keluarga dye n lain2.. ko manfaatkan la angau ko tuh. kalo ko angau psal dye je ko trus doakn dye. bermanfaat la sket. kalo ko tgh angau tuh ko mntak Allah jodohkn ko ngan dye pn ok what.. hahaha..
TEPT: hahaha.. hmm.. btol gak tuh Azhari. x tfikir lak ak nk wat cmtuh.
ANWAR: hmm Tept, cmne kalo ko ckp je la kat dye yg ko sker dye.
TEPT: huh??!
ANWAR: rileks r.. ko luahkn je la prasaan ko. ko ckp je yg ko sker dye. mne taw dye sker ko gak ker.. hahaha.. nnt dpt la ke 'step' yg seterusnya.
TEPT: haha.. ko nih memandai je la Anwar. ak still x nk ad relationship la ngan sesape. lgpn ak nk btol2 fokus ngan pelajaran ak, disamping pencapaian sampingan ak. ak rase ak x perlukn mnda relationship cmnih. ak rase ak still leh go on sendri, n then after ak berjaya jd housement bru la amek langkah, x bgitu ke?
AZHARI: hurrmm.. kalo ko terlepas dye camne Tept? cuz ko dh mcm ad rase suke ngan dye, but then skali dye ngan mamat len. nnt ko terasa tensyen ke, lg susah ko nk fokus study ko.
TEPT: sigh.. kalo dh cmtuh, means bkan la jodoh ak. so whut to do? maybe ak cari len r..
ANWAR: hahaha.. ko cm snang je ckp nk cari yg len. mcm la bnyak sgt pompuan kat dunia nih. eh wait.. mmg bnyak pn. muahaha... haah la tept. btol gak kate ko. bkn susah kot nk cari yg len.
TEPT: haha.. i told ya so. since im not into flirting (and this link strengthens my point), i think i'll just gonna be the one who stands aside and waits for anything that comes.
AZHARI: so, how bout all your angau thing?
TEPT: i think i can manage it. its nt impossible to do, just 4get about her and ill be going along fine.
ANWAR: haha.. nice to hear u talking like this again Tept.
TEPT: and by the way readers, u all x bosan ke dgr ktorg bckp2 cmnih?? hhaha.. lolx
sape gadis itu,tept??
salam..its been so long(: hope ur doing well and happy eid!
i'd love to show u a link:
if u have the time(: God bless.
do i know this girl?
or is it sumone else?
-shamim- [malas nak login.heh.]
afiq n mimie: i just cudnt tell n no one had guess it right. haha.
nanie: thanks 4 d link!! i read it b4.. it got *CVied 2 so many bogs. haha
*copy pasted
sorry shamim.. i thot it was my other fren..
but yeah, no one cud guess it right. yet.
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