Wednesday, September 30, 2009

lolxing billabong, kangaroo kickadong


its been such a while since i update my blog..

its a lovely spring here at Mebourne, Australia.

the air from south is very cool and yet the sun is blazing.
the flowers bloom as how it colours the sky by the blow of the wind.
the beauty of victoria demands me to be grateful to our Creator.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

suddenly she smiles


kadang2, fantasi memukau mata sehingga hati berkata.

Situasi 1: seorang lelaki, melihat seorang wanita cantik, seksi, dan menarik, terasa ghairah dan mula mengusha-usha wanita tersebut berkali-kali kerana baginya masa yang diambil bagi membuat tatapan tersebut adalah masa untuk menghargai keindahan alam.

Situasi 2: seorang wanita, melihat seorang lelaki kacak, hensem, tinggi, berkulit sedikit gelap dan bertubuh sasa, wanita tersebut terus tepersona dan mula berkata sesama kawan-kawan dengan bisikan yang boleh didengari lelaki tersebut. mengatakan "eyh, kau usha lah orang tuh, hensem kan? seswai x ngan ak?"

Situasi 3: Tiga orang lelaki, bertubuh sasa sederhana, berkulit agak cerah, muka kacak biasa, melihat seorang gadis yang di mana rupa parasnya menyerupai MIRRAH ATIKA. dengan wajah itu, secara tiba-tiba sahaja senyuman dilontarkan kepada 3 orang lelaki itu, Anwar, Tept, dan Azhari.


Perjalanan ke Seremban- KTM Kajang.

My mom drops me by the KTM Station.

Easy said, there is this girl, her face looks like Mirrah Atika. (why i use her to describe the girl? because i read her blog and look at her pictures sometimes, and they almost look alike)

I didnt know for the reason that she suddenly smiled at me. At first I thought she really is Mira and so i just stared at her with a curious and confused face. I couldnt relpy the smile because she made me confused, maybe she is just happy and happens to glance to me at that time and moment. By the way she is reading a book, so probably she found something funny @ happy written that made her to smile. OMG, she's totally gorgeous! she wore a boxed patterned shirt with casual jeans and a black scarf. Her face is pure white, she is totally adorable, and real pretty too.
She sat with her mother back then. I coudnt help it to jot down what i saw in a book. By writting, i think i look like an intellectual. lolx not really. By writting on the bench beside her's, i tried to expose my feeling by writting. And so that i wont forget this moment when i returned home to update my blog. I was hoping that when the train arrives, we would board it together and maybe i would start to know her and her mother while on our way to seremban.

***the train to Seremban arrives***

They didnt got up! i tought that they would also board the train. So as i get into the train, i just look for a nice spot and sat alone. Maybe the girl and her mom would board the train to Singapore for Aid al-Fitri. The tense that i felt now, eventhough minimum, still, she looks nice.

I hope that we could meet again someday, Owh adorable mysterious girl.
or maybe we would meet at singapore, during Aid al-Fitri. haha..

p/s: situasi 1 dan 2 hanyalah untuk mengingati anda semua adalah lumrah dan fitrah untuk kita sebagai manusia biasa merasa tertarik dengan lawanan jantina kita. dan situasi 3 adalah bagaimana kami bertiga menghadapinya. merasakan tidak patut untuk kami menulis tentang perkara ini pada blog? ini hanyalah sebuah kisah pendek yang indah untuk dikongsi.

Monday, September 14, 2009



statement biasa dari pakar-

"jasad seorang lelaki, bertubuh sasa, berumur dalam lingkungan umur (...), berada dalam keadaan kaku mayat dan lebam mayat yang sempurna... "

mengapa terdapat ayat seperti ini?

kerana terdapatnya kes kematian yang melibatkan pihak berkuasa seperti pihak polis.

dalam bilik mayat, seronok. pelbagai boleh dipelajari. dari anatomi hinggalah psikologi. dan tentu sekali bilik mayat ini menjadi lubuk kepada pathologi.

sekiranya dilihat bedah siasat yang sedang berlangsung,
perasaan anda,
fikiran anda,

masing2 berbeza.

ad yang takut, ad yang gentar, ad yg nk terkencing, ad yg pengsan, ad yg geli, ad yg nk tmuntah, ad yg collapse, ad yg mnjauhkn diri, ad yg berasa loya, ad yg tiba2 saja jadi x tentu arah, ad yg berani, ad yg mengantuk, ad yg bersuka ria, dan ada juga yang fokus.

namun yang nyata,

semua juga akan tertanya2 soalan ini.

"kenapa si mati ini terlantar di sini?"

jawapan itu akan terjawab dengan mudah.
masa untuk mengenal pasti punca kematian memakan masa dari 1 saat (bagi pakar) hingga 2-3 jam atau lebih (bagi kes rumit)

forensik, adakah seronok?

jawapannya, YA.

utusan ini tidak boleh ditulis panjang2 sangat. demi menghormati si mati dan jabatan forensik itu sendiri.

Friday, September 11, 2009

apabila fikiran terganggu- moreh 3


Anwar mengajak Tept dan Azhari untuk menikmati hidangan moreh yang disediakan di rumah Anwar.

maka Anwar menjamu mereka dengan Teh O panas dan kuih Koci.

Tatkala itu, Tept memulakan bicara.

TEPT: kawan2, ak rase smthin wrong a kblekangan nih. rase cm bnyak sgt x kna.

ANWAR: ape yg x kena tuh Tept? ko angau jatuh cinta ek?

TEPT: ntah r, ak rase cm ya je. tp d**m r i feel ashamed la to talk about this matter. feels unappropiate.

AZHARI: lorh.. ko nih, citer je la ngan ktorg, bkn ad salah pn citer masalah sesame membe.

TEPT: Sigh.. guys, its like this, i had been 'angau'ing for a couple of weeks already, theres this particular gurl which in this case, her face or wajah kept enter n out in my thought. smtimes i felt them as a distraction. smtimes even during the solat, this particular angau wud happen.

AZHARI: hurmm.. if thats the case, who is that girl? tell us.

TEPT: the girl is, x kn la ak nk ckp kot.. rahsia la

ANWAR: so in this matter ur trying to say that u like this girl la??

TEPT: i dunno la Anwar, i dunnoe if so. but i really noe that im in deep angau, cam s**t la kalo ak x leh fokus mnda yg ak nk wat kalo ak tfikir psal dye je. d**m r.. cmner nih..

AZHARI: ko cmni la, kalo ko still angau asyik pkir psal dye, ko at least time tgh angau tuh, ko doakan utk kebaikan dye, kebaikan ibu bapa dye, keluarga dye n lain2.. ko manfaatkan la angau ko tuh. kalo ko angau psal dye je ko trus doakn dye. bermanfaat la sket. kalo ko tgh angau tuh ko mntak Allah jodohkn ko ngan dye pn ok what.. hahaha..

TEPT: hahaha.. hmm.. btol gak tuh Azhari. x tfikir lak ak nk wat cmtuh.

ANWAR: hmm Tept, cmne kalo ko ckp je la kat dye yg ko sker dye.

TEPT: huh??!

ANWAR: rileks r.. ko luahkn je la prasaan ko. ko ckp je yg ko sker dye. mne taw dye sker ko gak ker.. hahaha.. nnt dpt la ke 'step' yg seterusnya.

TEPT: haha.. ko nih memandai je la Anwar. ak still x nk ad relationship la ngan sesape. lgpn ak nk btol2 fokus ngan pelajaran ak, disamping pencapaian sampingan ak. ak rase ak x perlukn mnda relationship cmnih. ak rase ak still leh go on sendri, n then after ak berjaya jd housement bru la amek langkah, x bgitu ke?

AZHARI: hurrmm.. kalo ko terlepas dye camne Tept? cuz ko dh mcm ad rase suke ngan dye, but then skali dye ngan mamat len. nnt ko terasa tensyen ke, lg susah ko nk fokus study ko.

TEPT: sigh.. kalo dh cmtuh, means bkan la jodoh ak. so whut to do? maybe ak cari len r..

ANWAR: hahaha.. ko cm snang je ckp nk cari yg len. mcm la bnyak sgt pompuan kat dunia nih. eh wait.. mmg bnyak pn. muahaha... haah la tept. btol gak kate ko. bkn susah kot nk cari yg len.

TEPT: haha.. i told ya so. since im not into flirting (and this link strengthens my point), i think i'll just gonna be the one who stands aside and waits for anything that comes.

AZHARI: so, how bout all your angau thing?

TEPT: i think i can manage it. its nt impossible to do, just 4get about her and ill be going along fine.

ANWAR: haha.. nice to hear u talking like this again Tept.

TEPT: and by the way readers, u all x bosan ke dgr ktorg bckp2 cmnih?? hhaha.. lolx

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

janganlah bergaduh


saya Anwar. TepT dan Azhari tiada pada utusan hari ini.

wahai kawan, janganlah bergaduh,
jangan kerana perkara kecil kau perbesarkan,

jangan kau toreh sehingga berdarah hatinya,
janganlah kau sepak terajang sampai lebam matanya,
jangan kau berlaga lutut dengan anunya,
tentu sakit dia akan terasa,
sakit dowhh.. kalau kau berlaga lutut dengan anunya,
jangan kau tumbuk sampai begok pipinya,
jangan kau KameHameHa sampai terbakar badannya,
jangan kau lightsaber badannya sampai terbelah dua,
jangan kau cubit dengan kuat teteknya,
nescaya jadi biru sampai esok jua tetap birunya,
jangan kau pukul belakang telinganya,
takut2 nanti muka dia jadi senget di sebelahnya,
kerana terkena horner's syndrome mcm altantuya,
jangan kau cucuk badannya dengan kryptonite,
kerna itu dapat melukai jiwa yang kuat,
jangan kau cabut baterinya,
nanti rakanmu akan jadi lemah tak bermaya.

tak kira walau dia bukan rakan,
sekiranya kau cina dan dia arab,
bukankah kau juga ialah anak Adam,
janganlah kau, wahai orang mukmin,
janganlah kau bergaduh.

wahai kawan.
ini adalah nasihat Anwar kepada rakan.
andai diriku ini gagal merasai udara syawal,
maka ingatlah pesanku ini,
jangan kau bergaduh.

Friday, September 4, 2009

purnama pada malam itu- moreh 2


kali ini. 3 sahabat Tept, Anwar dan Azhari bermoreh lagi setelah selesai menunaikan solat sunat terawikh dan witir. seperti biasa, mereka akan berborak tentang hal-hal dunia yang sudah biasa kita dengari.


salam rakan2.. wah.. popiah basah menu moreh hari ini ya?


salam.. yea.. sungguh sedap sekali. ambil la bnyak sket..


sedap sungguh. nikmat2....
weyh Anwar, ko wat pe je kebelakangan nih??


ak cm biase2 je la.. kdg2 menghadiri kuliah forensik di hospital serdang, melihat bagaimana bedah siasat dilakukan, dan pelbagai lagi. ramai juga rakan2 kita yg lain turut serta, antaranya Irna, Fiza, Alif Asyraf, dan Marinah.


owh.. menarik sungguh. tentu banyak yang kau pelajari kan?


ya.. betul tuh. sungguh banyak yang ku telah pelajari.


apsal korg ckp skema gile hari nih??

cmnih la.. ak ad citer ttg umat islam nih. korg nk dgr x?


haa.. cerita la.



this is quite a rare phenomenon in which it happens at Jusco Cheras-Balakong. once every week, i spend my day at Mico Hair Saloon to get my hair loss treatment. and almost everytime that i wud perform Asar at the musolla.

the weird and rare occassion that i see is in which the malay @ muslims here wudnt want to form any Jemaah for their solat.

when i arrived at the musolla 2 minutes before Asar, i found out that there were 2 men. 1 is a middle-aged man with post malaysia uniform and the other one is a brother in his 20's, with long, curly, coloured hair and box patterned pants.

being the first one to accomplish the ablution, i walk through the musolla and roll down the carpet for the imam. the brother then finishes up with his ablution ang he catch up upon me. with a smile that pleases, he pleased me to be the imam. i told him to call upon the others by the Iqamah. he the recite it well and so i goes on with the takbir. while praying, i was hoping that the Jemaah would get bigger, as how i heard the sounds of water from people performing ablution.

But sadly, none of them joined us as they only pray by theirselves behind us. i became very sad but holding it in deep.

After the solat & doa, i asked the brother;

"why is it that there is no one that would join our Jemaah?"

he then raised up his shoulder telling me a positive unknown answer. he then get up and put on his shoe to get back to work. I followed him. he then asked me;

"do you oftenly pray here?"

"no, just sometimes." i said.

i then continue;

"i seldom pray here but the same thing kept happening. people just wont get together in a jemaah. even if theres already a jemaah going on, still they wudnt want to join them. sigh.. c'mon la, this is the holy ramadhan month. still they.. sigh.."

i then got up and walked away, the brother follows me behind. we walked aside till we reached the escalator and he raised his hand as a salam and a smile of a bright one.


ish3. kita nih dah btol umat akhir zaman..


but it really is true. when in public places, people just tend to runaway from any jemaah and pray by theirself. they thought that it would be easier and faster that way but they didnt realize what they really had missed.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

wanita normal, lelaki gila


persis pada bulan ramadhan ini ingin saya berbicara untuk mengajak saudara sekalian berfikir tentang sekeliling kita.

saya akan permudahkan utusan ini.

ketika waktu moreh di masjid jame' pekan kajang. 3 org lelaki berborak sesama mereka.


picture this.

a blazing hot sexy muslim woman who doesnt covers her head and wears thight pants and an XS sized shirts for an M sized body. just a regular one that we cud see in everyday streets.
*dunt trouble urself to imagine this cuz then ur fasting wud go to waste*


an ordinary man who wears short covering his knees and strap that is just above his belly button with no T-shirts.

picture them,

and tell me, which one is normal, n which one is not?


ur the one who is crazy Tept, u kept talking stuff like this as if people wud care for whut u spoke of.

please r do smthing that is lets say, profitable for your own self maybe?

just talk about smthing usual like what u had done in the day, or anything special maybe..

if u want to speak smthing about this particular aurat matter thing,

people wud just put it aside man.


its not like that la Anwar, what im trying to do is just a little effort of myself.

hope that it wud be blessed by Allah.

smtimes when i think back of egypt, i hope that it would happen in malaysia too.


what do u mean??


u see, during ramadhan, we cud only see women in their hijabs n almost that we see none of them expose theirselves to the public. its such a nice scene to look at.

but not at malaysia, yes its true that we r all fasting, but whut wud the fasting be if they (the women) wud only get sins for their exposure of aurat? its like the fasting is a waste, their fasting is like whut our prophet Muhammad says that there are people who fast but only get hunger and thirst. while we r trying to get blessings from Allah from our fast and all of our other devotion.

from whut i said earlier, its not like im trying to say that the guy is normal, but he is also out of ethiques if and only if he is in a formal occasion.

its a weird kind of perception in which women have their own culture limits of exposure. if the malay mostly wont show their belly button and shoulder (yet, i hope. eventhough there are some). while for the white men they cud show off almost anything.


Tept, ko nih ckp pnjang sgt lar, just go straight 2 d point la.


ok, my point is. during this ramadhan, be special, do smthing special, if ur not covering, try to cover up and loosen up a lil bit. be more ayu (modest). be gorgeous the way islam had thought us to be. spanjang kita puase kita beribadah, maka jagalah adab secara lebih teratur.


thats nice tept, i think that i wanna wrote smthing about smoking on the next post.


that would be nice.


hey guys. i got something else for u to ponder.

i saw on channel Discovery Travel & Living. where this guy from america is traveling across dhumyad. he got intrested in wearing the white Jubah as all other arabs does. so he got to a tailor shop with his travel assistant who is an arab women that converse fluently in english.

the american starts to question while the tailor is measuring up his body;

"so, wouldnt it get hot if i wear long sleeves like this?"

the arab woman confidently talks about science and says;

"no it wouldnt, because ur wearing white. so, during hot weather, the white colour reflects all the light as well as heat."

the american then question again;

"so why are the arab women dress in black? didnt they get hot inside??"

the arab woman was speechless and burst to laughter and say;

"i dont know"

so let me ask u this question, please dunt be shy or afraid to answer this.

why is it that the arab women wears black despite the fact that they are living in a geographical area which is totally blazing hot during the day?