just wanna post something without a lame poetry.
i had a conversation with an old friend. whom is now currently with a gurl that i cudnt expect him to be with. so i asked him,
Me: dude, out of all the girls in this world, why she? its somehow illogical lah u and her.Dude: i dunnoe man, but, in anyways, laki mane x cair, kalo stiap masa pn pmpuan tuh tunjuk rasa caring? cair bai..Me: ahh.. tht seems simple enuf..
kajang's qariah had been extra frendly to me lately, eventho my father is not around. they wud really make me miss home when im away soon enuf.
i bought myself a new camera today.
its totally different than any other that we saw everyday.
cuz i thought,
'how bout writting poetries on d back of a picture? as a caption perhaps. then both the poetry and pictures would become precious and it all would came to life.'
Diana F+ chrome
p/s: thank you.