Thursday, October 30, 2008

doing just fine


its been awhile since my last blog.

nothing much to say eventhough there are many things that has been seen..

i want to say good luck to all my friends who would be sitting in the SPM..

my neighbor,

zuhri adlina, ira, jasmin, e'et,

my cousins,

asmidar, hafizah,

my second cousin and twin sis,


my friends,

nurul atiqah, shamim,

my juniors,

bdak2 dorm B104, fellow saserians, ice cool kajang boys,

and to all who are currently studying for their futures..


wat btol2..

x susah, mudah jer..

insyaAllah korang leh berjaya..

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


assalamualaikum malaysia, mesir, dan beberapa rakan2 di saudi, eropah, juga amerika dan afrika...

saya di sini sihat2 saja, alhamdulillah,

telah begitu lama saya tidak memposkan blog yg baru.

oleh kerana agak susah untuk mendapatkan pertalian internet yang stabil di sini,

maka selalunya pos yang hendak saya poskan akan dilintas talian dan akhirnya pos tersebut gagal diposkan.

aku mengarut saja...

insyaAllah gamba yang terkini akan saya cuba sedaya upaya untuk mempertontonkannya.

buat masa kini,



serve a smile to every muslim and non-muslim near u..


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

things to see 1- me at there

i'll be updating again next tyme..
today the connection here is quite weird..
i thought that i could show u guys the pix of awal syawal..
but dont worry,
i'll try my best next time..


***arghh.. tensyen abis r...!!***


ucapan dari mesir

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